Sourcing Pricing

Sourcing Pricing

OpenTopCart makes your supply chain simple, efficient, and transparent.

All core features included

Vesti bulum suscipit dignis quam. Sed sit amet condim entum dolor, vitae commodo metus.

Multiple accounts

Sed rhoncus sem et massa posuere faucibus.

Distinct user levels

Aliquam erat volutpat duis suspen disse.

Full admin access

Mauris euismod quam arcu vivamus porta.

Export anytime

Semper nulla, tempor suscipit purus efficitur.

Creative product sourcing services plans

Free Services


For all following services



you receive free service and



You receive Pro Plan and

Free Services

Discover our customer-centric offerings starting here

Interested in sourcing products from China but unsure where to start? Seeking competitive pricing? OpenTopCart’s free plan offers a tailored solution.

Start by submitting a product inquiry. You will be assigned a sourcing agent who will assist you with:

Comprehensive Product Search and Cost Estimation:
Your assigned agent will conduct an in-depth search throughout China to secure the most favorable prices for your product concept. They will also provide a comprehensive cost analysis, covering everything from production to delivery to your location.

Sample Procurement and Personalization:
Your agent will procure product samples from manufacturers, assess their quality, and send all samples to you in one consolidated package. These samples can be customized with your logo and packaging, mirroring the final product your customers will receive.

Export/Import Regulation Guidance:
Your agent will offer advice on all aspects of the export/import process, including necessary certifications, compliance requirements, and more.

PRo Services

Start here for premium Chinese product sourcing

Ready to advance after receiving your samples? Opt for the Pro Plan, where your sourcing agent manages everything from production to delivery, charging only 5 to 10 percent of the total order cost.

Pro Plan Service Rate

Tips: OpenTopCart avails affordable warehousing services, perfect for consolidating items before dispatching full orders.

Pro Services

Start here for premium Chinese product sourcing

Sourcing and Pricing:
Locating manufacturers typically takes a few hours, with follow-up extending 20 to 60 days. During this period, your agent ensures that the products conform to your specifications.

Brand Customization and Labeling:
Desire to establish your own brand? Your sourcing agent will guide you through the process.

Complimentary Photography:
Receive five professional white background photos free of charge, saving you over $100 compared to doing it yourself.

Shipping Coordination:
We commit to delivering your products to your desired location, whether it’s your country, an Amazon warehouse, or a private address, with a reasonable quote and comprehensive management of the export/import procedure.

Enterprise Services

Enterprise – Case by case

OpenTopCart offers two primary services to cater to most of your needs. However, we also provide extra services on an individual basis as required.

Personalised product inspection:
At a reasonable rate of $.00/hr, our team will inspect your products to ensure that they meet your required standards and specifications. Consequently, your defect rate could be practically zero percent.

Manufacturing site visit:
Your sourcing agent can visit the manufacturer anywhere in China, with the cost being the travel expenses. There may be a significant discount or even no charge under certain terms and conditions. Feel free to inquire for more details. 

Do not delay – Begin now!